
Curtain Call

Sunday, Oct 25th: Our last day of the 2020 season! Get your ‘cottage in the city fix’ this week before our hibernation.

It has been a challenging yet positive season. Our sincere thanks to You for being ever supportive of local businesses. Thanks for making the café come alive each day.

And our incredible staff. You have been flexible, consistent, kind and committed. Bravo.

October – the final lap

Despite all of the Covid challenges, this season has been another amazing experience, thanks to the support of the Peterborough community. Thanks for learning with us and being flexible and patient as we focused on a safe experience for all.

October is our final lap for any given year. This time round, we would like to stay open this month as long as decent weather permits. We have heard how outdoor dining is all the more valuable in these trying times. So come on out, including Thanksgiving Monday, and into late October! Join us for beautiful fall days (with heaters available in the back room) at your cottage in the city.


Dan & Michael and the Bean Team.

Fall’n for Fall

Amidst cooler weather, school plans, and Covid-19 vigilance, we want to let you know your cottage in the city is still open. We are aiming to stay open into late October, barring nasty weather. Bundle up for a less busy patio, or take refuge in our back room where we aim to facilitate a cozy workspace (wifi and power and hot chocolate available!).

We will be Open on Labour Day and Thanksgiving.

Fall Hours: Sept 1-13: 8:30 AM to 7 PM daily; Sept 14-30: 8:30 AM to 6 PM daily; Oct: 8:30 AM to 5 PM daily.

Lots of love for wonderful Peterborough,

The Bean.

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